game file -
og game.php file -
april 6. game.php file -
changes: added text from chat appearing on screen, location updation still glitches...
changes: added few backend files to update new tables for chat inside the game, and also front end
8.march game.php file -
7.march game.php file -
the thing works, kinda updates character and creates other characters, which also get updated. if Your character pushes other character coordinates still does not get updated, but that's a small fix I will prolly implement in few days.
right now y coordinates of character does not get updated when jumping
(remember using correct database structures), once it be fixed to work at least minimally - will add more documentation.
game.php file -
personal opinion: this been tough for me, as I love video games and programming, but I always thought video game engines or music patterns should be more open to people choices to modify them for good reasoning. I respect everyone that worked on there games and sell them, it's just that, we need to maintain documentation for every thing so our future children will be able to do any job, including video game programming and modelling, besides doing things in reality, which should also be more documented.
older code versions with some ideas --
20.feb (not working) -
22.feb (still not working) -
problem - update(time, delta, myMans, object) { // lai Viņš strādātu object subklasēm būtu jābūt pieejamām, object rodās pašā sākumā pie skin izvēles
if You want 22.feb version to work, besides fixing code Your should add row called "skin" on users table. Also, You can get .sql file for database in 20.feb version zip. file.
26.feb - game.php file -
Problems: "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list" for some reason code thinks, I'm missing paranthesis...
27.feb - game.php file -
Problems : no character?
somehow ARRAY myMans have 4 items instead of 2.
getting array outside async function
turns out global arrays are defined in constructor.
28.feb - game is working, but character visualization is still missing, and jump seems to not work...
problems solution :
should be same as in original code
but we get
THREE.Object3D.add: object can't be added as a child of itself.
enable3d.phaserExtension.0.25.0.min.js:1 THREE.Object3D.add: object not an instance of THREE.Object3D.
this.myMans[i] = new ExtendedObject3D()
this shoulda create the object for every iteration.....
game.php file -
2.march - game.php file -
3.march - game.php file -
no errors but no character gets drawn.