pirmdiena, 2017. gada 2. oktobris

How to setup possibly the best Openbox environment for Your Linux DESKTOP pc!


This tutorial is for those who want to use Openbox on non-portable PC (no stand-by option when using this configuration, thought You can always shut down Your PC and start it from ground up).

First we need to install following packages - openbox, obconf, obmenu, tint2 (panel), pcmanfm (file manager), catfish (file searching utility),xfce4-power-manager, geany, nm-applet, pnmixer. 

 Second we need to start applications automatically on start of the openbox - so we create a file in /home/USERNAME/.config/openbox/autostart

pcmanfm --desktop & xfce4-power-manager tint2& nm-applet & pnmixer &

Then we need to setup pcmanfm icons and wallpaper - run

 pcmanfm --desktop-pref

 Then we need tiling keybindings for TILING (Your preference to use this or not) -

 sudo geany ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml 


 To set up close buttons on left side of the screen so they don't interfere, when slider accidentally get to the top, and you accidentally press close button on open page.

Open Obconf - go to Appearance- set button order - CNLMI

 Also we need to configure tint2 Open configuration file to edit -

 sudo geany ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc

 And copy this paste file - (change launcher_item_app locations to get different applications on Your panel, install apps if You want to, or delete them from the list)


Restart Openbox, and see the changes.

This is the minimal setup, it's up to You to choose defaults, but this is most comfortable Openbox configuration I have found.  
Thanks for Your attention!

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