If You use command line You might want to know following commands using linux:
cd / ls (dir in windows) / pwd / uname -a / cp / rm / rmdir / chmod / chown / find
but one of the crazy features and all time needed features is searching text in files recursively (scanning through all the subfolders), and for linux it is grep -r "text you want to find".
windows on other hand:
findstr /s /i STRING *.*
get-childitem -recurse FILENAME
this article is not going to be long or explanatory, but if You research these basic commands and learn how to use them while doing You computer tasks, You be upgrading Your intelligence and skill set,
what I suggest is also, learning how to: compile c and c++ program's on linux and windows, learning to compile python, write html and php, JAVASCRIPT, learn some bash/cmd scripts
and overall, check my github account github.com/lv88h - projects like https://github.com/lv88h/GOING_DOWN_THE_RABBIT_HOLE_IN_PHP explain the algorithm that draws pixels in images on screen from such data types as arrays.
https://github.com/lv88h/game-controller - shows an example of how game controller or any controller might be written in code (in this following example the code is in javascript).
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